Deploy Your Octopress Blog To Heroku

Update 2022: This is another post that’s pretty dated and really only kept around as more of an archive than a how-to artile. If you’re looking for something like Octopress, you should check out Bridgetown and is what the site is currently using.
You may have noticed that my site’s name is codebycodes, but I have yet to post any code on here. Good job on calling me out. So here it is. This post will walk you through setting up a new blog with the Octopress blogging framework and deploy to Heroku. This is the same setup that this blog is currently running on.
So first off, what exactly is Octopress. Octopress is billed as a blogging framework for hackers. It’s a little different that some of the other blogging frameworks you may have had some experience with.
The first is it’s built with Ruby on top of another framework called Jekyll. The second, is there is no database. You create your posts using the markdown language and Ruby (with the help of Octopress) generates static HTML pages. This make it pretty easy to set up and very fast since everything is a static page.
To get started, fire up your command line and clone a copy of the Octopress repository.
$ git clone git:// my_blog
Next, navigate into the folder that was created when you cloned the Octopress code.
$ cd my_blog
Since Octopress is built off Ruby, lets check the current version of Ruby installed.
$ ruby -v
If it’s not at least ruby 1.9.3
check out the documentation to upgrading your ruby version with RVM here
So now, lets install the gems
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ rake install
At this point, you should be able to see the basic template for your site. Running
$ rake preview
will generate the required files for you site and start a simple web server. Check out localhost:4000 to see if your site is up and running. It should look something like this
Now we need to remove public
and Gemfile.lock
from our .gitignore
file. We’ll need this to add generated content to Heroku.
There are also a number of themes you can download and use for your Octopress site, or you can create your own. You can find a good list of available themes here. There are pretty good instructions for downloading and installing a new theme for your blog.
Once that’s take care of, let’s head to _config.yml
and start customizing the settings
Main settings:
title: Code by Codes
subtitle: "Codes, rants and musings"
author: Cody Norman
If you’d like to connect some of your external accounts, scroll down and check out some of the 3rd party services you can connect.
To add or remove services, add or remove the service in the default_asides
section of the ._config.yml
default_asides: [asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html]
I think at one point, there was a default Twitter aside ready to go. But now we’ll have to make our own. Since this seems like it’d be one of the more popular things to have. I’ll show you how to add it.
First, add Twitter to your list of default asides.
default_asides: [asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html, asides/twitter.html]
Now, let’s head to Twitter to generate the code we need. Log into your Twitter account and click on Settings
. Once you’re there click on the Widgets
tab. You can update some of the options if you’d like. There is a nice preview on the side so you can play around with your configuration to get it set up how you like. Now that you have all your settings squared away, click on the Create Widget
button and copy the generated code.
Create the file source/_includes/asides/twitter.html
Once you have the new file open paste in the code you got for the Twitter widget.
With some bells and whistles, it’s time to create our first post. We create all our new posts from the command line. With your command line open in your blog’s directory, let’s create a new post
$ rake new_post["your title goes here"]
# Creates source/_posts/2015-01-14-your-title-goes-here.markdown
The new_post
command expects a naturally written title so don’t worry about underscores, just write out the title as your normally would. This filename will determine the url for the post.
With our first post created, open up the file that was created and notice the top lines of the file. This is the yaml front matter. This is where you can set the predefined variables or add your own.
layout: post
title: "Deploy your Octopress blog to Heroku"
date: 2015-01-13 18:08:38 -0500
comments: true
categories: octopress, heroku
published: false
All of this info is going to be used by Octopress to process the posts and pages. You’re going to be writing your post in the Markdown language. This is the same language you would see in the documentation on github project. This format makes it much easier to share code snippets. The syntax will take some getting used to, so you can find a pretty good cheatsheet here.
After you have some info in your post, let’s check out how it looks. First, let’s run rake generate
to create our pages into static html
$ rake generate
Once all our static files are created, running rake preview
will start up a web server and let us take our new blog for a test drive.
$ rake preview
Now we have a fully functioning blog, all we need to do now is deploy it somewhere. This post will cover how to deploy your blog to Heroku. You can also deploy your site to Github Pages. Each user can have a free page on github (heroku is free also). I chose Heroku because I normally have a couple of test or demo apps running anyway (you have up to 5 for free) so it makes it a little easier for me to manage. If you’d like to look into Github pages more, Octopress has some great documentation
In your terminal, install the heroku
$ gem install heroku
If you’ve never deployed to Heroku, head over to their site and create an account. Once you have your account, in your command line run heroku create
$ heroku create
It will ask for your account credentials and upload your public SSH key. If you’ve never created a public SSH key, Github has a really great guide to getting it setup.
Once of my favorite features to Heroku is it’s as easy to deploy as pushing code to Github.
Create a new app on Heroku and add a git remote named ‘heroku’
$ git config branch.master.remote heroku
If you haven’t done so yet, make sure that you’ve edited your .gitignore
file be removing public
and Gemfile.lock
. Again, this will let you add your generated content to Heroku.
With your remote branch set up, we just need to commit and push as we would any normal git repository.
$ rake generate
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "updated my awesome site"
$ git push heroku master
Once that’s complete, you can either head to the url that Heroku gave to you or run the open command from your command line and open it automatically.
$ heroku open
And that’s it! You now have your own blog up and running on Heroku. If your having any issues, Octopress has some really helpful documentation and so does Heroku. If you dont have any luck there, leave a comment and we’ll see if we can get it sorted out.