
Born and raised in North Carolina which is probably why I have serious BBQ opinions.

Spent the first few years of my career post-college working in Philadelphaia, doing mainly retail and consumer lending before my starting a bootcamp in 2014.

Since then, I’ve been doing mostly backend development with Ruby on Rails.

You can read more about my work experience here.

Most of my experience is with early stage startups both as a full time employee and an independent consultant.

Some of the most enjoyable parts of my job the past few years has been hiring, onboarding and mentoring new developers. I try to stay actively engaed with mentorship and helping new developers land their first job.

I’ve been living in Colorado for a few years now and had some good times in Denver, but currently living in a small mountain town called Bailey located in Park county (as in South Park). Being a huge South Park fan, I’ve taken it upon myself to keep my little town’s metions in the show up-to-date on Wikipedia.

Podcast Appearances

The Ruby on Rails Podcast - Episode 473

The Ruby on Rails Podcast - Episode 487 - Rails World App Recap

IndieRails - Lucky Me - Episode 31



YouTube Channel

Dark Mode for Rails with Tailwind and Stimulus

Starting a Truck with an Email

Generate Custom QR Codes with Ruby on Rails